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Commands & Permissions


If you are opped, you will have all these permissions, including the bypass permissions. If you don't want operators to bypass entry requirements, you will need to negate those permissions from them.

/lp <user> permission set rpgregions.bypassentry false

Reload vs Save

/rpgregions save is used when you want to save changes you have made in-game, and edit the JSON files directly. /rpgregions reload is when you want to load changes you have made in files. This will overwrite any in-game changes, so use carefully!

Root commands

/rpgregionsShows plugin information
/rpgregions helpDisplays a list of available commands
/rpgregions aboutDisplays debug info, you may be asked to provide the output of this
/rpgregions add [region]rpgregions.addAdds a new configured region
/rpgregions remove [region]rpgregions.removeRemoves a configured region
/rpgregions edit [region]rpgregions.editEdits a configured region
/rpgregions list/discoveriesrpgregions.listLists configured regions
/rpgregions additem [region]rpgregions.additemAdds the item in your main hand as a region reward
/rpgregions reloadrpgregions.reloadReloads the region and plugin configs
/rpgregions save (--async)rpgregions.saveSaves all data, optionally async
/rpgregions reset [player] [region]rpgregions.resetResets data of player
/rpgregions delete [player]rpgregions.deleteDeletes all data of a player
/rpgregions setlocation [region]rpgregions.setlocationSets the teleport location of a region
/rpgregions regenerate/regen [region]rpgregions.regenerateRegenerates a region
/rpgregions setschematic [region] [schematic]rpgregions.setschematicSets a region's regeneration schematic - make sure you stand at the same location the schematic was copied and saved as
/rpgregions forceupdateiconsrpgregions.forceupdateForcefully sets all region icons to the configuration default

Discovery commands

/discoveriesrpgregions.listOpens the discovery GUI
/bestiary /flora /faunarpgregions.bestiaryOpens the flora and fauna book
/discoveries discover region [region] [player]rpgregions.discoverDiscovers a region for a player
/discoveries discover fauna [fauna] [player]rpgregions.discoverDiscovers some fauna/flora for a player

Integration commands


These commands are only enabled when you are using the default in-built RPGRegions integration.

/rpgrirpgregions.integrationChecks if the integration is enabled
/rpgri helprpgregions.integrationDisplays a list of available commands
/rpgri info [region]rpgregions.integrationShows information about an integrated region
/rpgri saverpgregions.integrationSaves all integrated regions
/rpgri create [name] [type] [world]rpgregions.integrationCreates an integrated region
/rpgri delete [region]rpgregions.integrationDeletes an integrated region
/rpgri addpos [region] [location]rpgregions.integrationAdds a corner to a region, supports more than two with polygons
/rpgri setpriority [region] [priority]rpgregions.integrationSets the priority of a region
/rpgri setworld [region] [world]rpgregions.integrationSets the world of a region
/rpgri visualise [region]rpgregions.integrationVisualises a region using fake blocks
/rpgri whereamirpgregions.integrationTells you what region you are in
/rpgri migrate [world]rpgregions.integrationMigrates all regions to a world

Debug commands

/rpgrdrpgregions.debugShow debug information
/rpgrd enablerpgregions.debugEnable debug mode
/rpgrd cacherpgregions.debugShows database cache list
/rpgrerpgregions.exportShows export information
/rpgre exportrpgregions.exportExports a region to a template file
/rpgre import [template] [region]rpgregions.exportImports a template to a region

Other permissions

rpgregions.bestiaryAllows discovering flora/fauna
rpgregions.showShow undiscovered regions in GUI
rpgregions.showlocShow co-ordinates of regions
rpgregions.showhint.*Show hints for all regions
rpgregions.showhint.[region]Shows hint for a specific region
rpgregions.teleportAllows teleporting to regions
rpgregions.bypassentryAllows the player to bypass entry requirements